Rody, with his honey-colored fairy wings, flies around the French town, enjoying his day off as Christmas approaches. When he spots Olimar, he heads for him.
"Hello, Captain!"
"Oh, good day to you."
"I'm Rody. I can transport you if you like."
"Well... that would be nice, indeed. I wanted to go to that little croissant restaurant and give some to my family. Early Christmas presents!"
"I know what you're talking about." Rody holds out his hand and Olimar jumps to land in it. "Hold on tight, we're going to it!"
Rody gain altitude and carries Olimar to the restaurant.
"Here we are!" Said Rody, as he set Olimar down on the ground.
"Thank you very much. I hope to see you again."
"Me too."
"A Merry Christmas early!"
"To you as well, Captain!"
Rody takes to the air once more and twirls with a smile on his face.
Strangely enough, Rody is up early on this winter's morning. It's his day off, but he wants to make the most of it. Thanks to his honey-colored fairy wings, he can fly anywhere in town, and Rody loves doing this early in the morning. After a hot shower – Vincent had paid for all the repairs to his apartment! – Rody dressed warmly. He didn't have any outdoor winter clothes in good condition, so Vincent – yes, him again! – offered him new ones. “Christmas presents in advance”. That's what his boss had told him. Rody hadn't expected him to be so generous and he doesn't know how to thank him. Anyway, he thinks, I'll think about it another day. For now... Rody goes outside. I'm flying!
He takes to the skies and glides over the French city, admiring the view. Despite the cold, his wings beat vigorously. If Rody wanted to, he could reach the clouds. Christmas is coming..., he thought, seeing holiday decorations everywhere. Too bad Vince doesn't want to decorate La Gueule de Saturne for the occasion. He says it's a waste of money. Come to think of it, he doesn't decorate for Valentine's Day or Easter either. Vince doesn't have the holiday spirit. It's sad. Suddenly, Rody sees a small creature on the ground.
How could he see him, given his tiny size? Rody doesn't know, but he moves towards him. Then he recognizes him. Captain Olimar, alien hero and friend of the Pikmin. Rody has heard of him.
"Hello, Captain!" Rody said with a smile.
"Oh, good day to you."
"I'm Rody Lamoree. It's an honor to meet you." Then Rody had an idea. "I can transport you if you like." After all, his fairy wings aren't just for flying! And he wants to help the Captain.
"Well... that would be nice, indeed. I wanted to go to that little takeaway croissant restaurant and give some to my family. Early Christmas presents!"
Rody happily clasps his gloved hands together.
"It's perfect! I know which restaurant you're talking about." Rody holds out his gloved right hand and Olimar jumps up to land in it. "Hold on tight, we're going to it!"
Rody gains altitude again and quickly carries Olimar to the restaurant.
"Here we are!" Rody said, as he lowered Olimar to the ground.
The Captain thanks him for his help. He hopes to see Rody again one day.
"Me too." Said Rody, blushing. After all, he had helped an alien!
"A Merry Christmas early!" Olimar wishes him, before heading for the restaurant's front door.
"To you too, Captain!"
Rody takes off again. He twirls in the air with a smile on his face, wondering if he should help anyone else before returning to his apartment. I should give Vince a call, too, and see if he needs anything.